Fabulous Phablets Fight iPhone 6 Plus Vs Nexus 6 Review: The stars have aligned. One year ago this comparison made no sense. The Nexus 5 was vastly bigger than the iPhone 5S and half the price. It was also meant primarily as a reference device to inspire Android handset makers. How things have changed. The iPhone 6 Plus sees Apple AAPL -0.04% charge into the large screen/phablet sector for the first time and the Nexus 6 has grown in both size and price to match it. Google GOOGL +0.27% also isn’t playing anymore. The Nexus 6 is being sold through most major carriers and is as much a rival to other Android handset makers as an inspiration. So whose debut phablet comes out on top? Having used both for some time here are my thoughts. Design – Curves Are Essential As the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat and Apple and Google have taken completely different approaches in building their phablets. i
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